Thursday, February 24, 2011

At Long Last, and a Last Launch

Finally getting a walk in today after what seems like forever! Temps in the low 70s and a gorgeous, sunny day are too much temptation. Work, schmerk, I need a nice walk. Got the "Happy Songs" playlist going on the iPod, my visor and sunscreen on, and here I go.

Lots of other folks seem to have the same idea. Why are so many people off work on a Thursday afternoon? Some are tanning, while others are playing with their dogs, walking, biking, playing with their kids, or running. Pretty much the gamut. The water is fairly calm, but with a few waves. Warm air from over the land is hitting the colder air over the water and making a haze that obscures the distance where the shore curves out toward the jetties. A couple of surfers in wetsuits pass me to catch a few waves.

My prodigal nature at Pilates starts to become evident as a dull ache starts to creep into my left tailbone area. I try to tighten my lower abs and glutes to support it, but that doesn't help much. It'll be accompanying me for the rest of my walk.

At my turning-around point, I take a look up to the corner and see that the traffic light is green. After stretching out my lower back a little, I turn and head back toward home. Reaching the boardwalk over the dunes at my street, I pause to stretch out a little more, the pain in my you-know-what finally subsiding a little. Got to get back to my Pilates.

I feel better after returning to the house and showering; a nice beach walk was just what I needed! Space Shuttle Discovery has just launched for the final time, and I step outside to see if I can catch a glimpse of it. Usually, I can see it over my neighbor's trees. But that haze that made the shoreline invisible earlier on the beach has also obscured the fire under the rocket and its vapor trail today. Looks like I'll have to watch history on TV.

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